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4th September 2015, 06:47
Hi Cockle

I believe the whole puzzle is a representation of the Rosetta Stone.

The thematic diagonal is Demotic.

The Rosetta Stone has hieroglyphs at the top, demotic in the middle and Ancient Greek at the bottom.

I think the hieroglyphs in down answers are to be entered in the top you then fill out with appropriate other hieroglyph and another animal to spell out the name of Champollion (who cracked hieroglyphs). The pronunciation of the hieroglyphs we have from downs seem to sound out his name.

I then assume that the initial letters of the rectangle are converted to their Anciemt Greek equivalents.

If you then follow the instructions with the highlighting the result seems to represent the shape of the stone itself.

What do others think?

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4th September 2015, 07:33
Yes, "quail chick" is the name of a specific hieroglyphic symbol
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4th September 2015, 10:02
If you look at the letters within the rectangle (as amended in light of the clashes), Champollion's name is spelled out in Greek letters (chi, alpha, mu, pi etc). Presumably, the appropriate symbols need to be entered instead.

I reckon this is the most challenging EV for a long while.
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4th September 2015, 11:02
Good grief! Phew. OK, so with everyone's combined help I've now located the square and the rectangle, the diagonal, and the first five images, but I'm stuck with the sixth. And how do you treat the rectangle 'symbolically'? Time for a lie down, I think.
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4th September 2015, 12:06
Could anyone who has managed to solve the whole thing please give me a yes or no to this question: does the sixth cell contain the same image twice? That's the only way I can make sense of it.
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4th September 2015, 12:39
If I understand correctly, the sixth cell contains another hieroglyph, the seventh four letters of text describing it.
The two together complete the thematic name.
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4th September 2015, 13:03
Got it at last! Thanks Steven.

My remaining puzzle is that the Across sentence seems to be telling me to erase 42 cells. That's 49 minus the 7 taken up by the diagonal. After all the effort of deducing them, surely not?
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4th September 2015, 15:24
There was a Listener, some years ago, where the final instruction was "erase everything, send blank".
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4th September 2015, 23:52
Think I've almost got this now, except for the 7th cell.
Understand what must be placed in the 6th cell - but don't understand what it's "description" is to be placed in the 7th? Perhaps because its late can't think clearly. As always, a hint appreciated.

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5th September 2015, 07:38
You need the 4 letter word that is the name of the animal in the preceding square.

Then when read left to right it sounds out the relevant person.
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