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20th December 2011, 15:59
Why do you want (4, 4, 6)?
One example of this pattern (which doesn't work) is GIVE YOUR THANKS
61 of 105  -   Report This Post


20th December 2011, 16:06
Can we just go back a step with this - I'm not as quick as you guys and I'm not happy about trying to guess the key phrase. Using the US=TE, ET=?S knowns, the line/column SE?UT works? If so, it must form part of the key?
62 of 105  -   Report This Post


20th December 2011, 16:12
I haven't started this Azed yet, but it must be enthralling if it makes you forget Clueless.
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20th December 2011, 16:15
Haven't forgotten Clueless aristo. I'm multi-tasking!
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20th December 2011, 16:18

If SE?UT is a row or column then how can ER = T? (from 20 down)? I am puzzled.
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20th December 2011, 16:19
Then it sounds as if you've found the perfect puzzle. Even the sadistic ixion seems to be challenged by all the gear-shifting.
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20th December 2011, 16:21
And going back to KT's conundrum, let's say there's a row SE?UT. As long as D is in the same column as T, and D is in the same column as U, DU=GT should also work?
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20th December 2011, 16:24
Bananabean - shouldn't that also work, as long as the R is in the same culumn as T?
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20th December 2011, 16:28
SE?UT has the correct letters but they aren't in the right order.
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20th December 2011, 16:29
This is probably a complete 'red herring', but if the square is written out in alphabetical order (with IJ as I), MZ immediately becomes PW...
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