Thoughtful - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 07/05/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Thoughtful.

11 letter answer(s) to thoughtful

  1. showing concern for the rights and feelings of others; "friends considerate enough to leave us alone"

13 letter answer(s) to thoughtful

  1. a person devoted to the contemplative life
  2. deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man";

7 letter answer(s) to thoughtful

  1. deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man";
  2. showing pensive sadness; "the sensitive and wistful response of a poet to the gentler phases of beauty"
  1. appealing to the mind;
  2. causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm;
  3. completely lacking in playfulness
  4. concerned with work or important matters rather than play or trivialities; "a serious student of history"; "a serious attempt to learn to ski"; "gave me a serious look"; "a serious young man"; "are you serious or joking?"; "Don't be so serious!"
  5. of great consequence; "marriage is a serious matter"
  6. requiring effort or concentration; complex and not easy to answer or solve; "raised serious objections to the proposal"; "the plan has a serious flaw"

10 letter answer(s) to thoughtful

  1. capable of physically reflecting light or sound; "a reflective surface"
  2. deeply or seriously thoughtful; "Byron lives on not only in his poetry, but also in his creation of the 'Byronic hero' - the persona of a brooding melancholy young man";
  3. devoted to matters of the mind; "the reflective type"

4 letter answer(s) to thoughtful

  1. Levelheaded
  2. marked by sound judgment; "sane nuclear policy"
  3. mentally healthy; free from mental disorder; "appears to be completely sane"

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