Lure - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 16/04/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Lure.

7 letter answer(s) to lure

  1. be attractive to; "The idea of a vacation appeals to me"; "The beautiful garden attracted many people"
  2. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes; "Her good looks attract the stares of many men"; "The ad pulled in many potential customers"; "This pianist pulls huge crowds"; "The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers"
  3. Drawn to, enticed.
  4. exert a force on (a body) causing it to approach or prevent it from moving away; "the gravitational pull of a planet attracts other bodies"

4 letter answer(s) to lure

  1. anything that serves as an enticement
  2. attack with dogs or set dogs upon
  3. enticement
  4. harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
  5. lure, entice, or entrap with bait
  6. something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed

6 letter answer(s) to lure

  1. provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion; "He lured me into temptation"

5 letter answer(s) to lure

  1. a beguiler who leads someone into danger (usually as part of a plot)
  2. lure or entrap with or as if with a decoy
  3. something used to lure fish or other animals into danger so they can be trapped or killed
  1. a sea nymph (part woman and part bird) supposed to lure sailors to destruction on the rocks where the nymphs lived; "Odysseus ordered his crew to plug their ears so they would not hear the Siren's fatal song"
  2. a warning signal that is a loud wailing sound
  3. a woman who is considered to be dangerously seductive
  4. an acoustic device producing a loud often wailing sound as a signal or warning
  5. eellike aquatic North American salamander with small forelimbs and no hind limbs; have permanent external gills
  1. dispose or incline or entice to; "We were tempted by the delicious-looking food"
  2. give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting; "the window displays tempted the shoppers"
  3. induce into action by using one's charm; "She charmed him into giving her all his money"
  4. provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion; "He lured me into temptation"
  5. try presumptuously; "St. Anthony was tempted in the desert"
  6. try to seduce

Other crossword clues with similar answers to 'Lure'

"All clear" signal
"Hurry up!"
"Let's go!"
A bit that gets cast?
Agency worker got, finally, invite
Air raid alert
Alarm - temptress
Alarm concerning being in the wrong
Alarm's function about to be inscribed
Allure, entice
Alluring woman’s anger in outskirts of Saigon
Ambulance sound
Ambulance wail
Angler's lure
Appeal to dictator's worked on a short-term basis
Appeal to leaders of African tribal region
Attract tourists, principally, in eastern Mediterranean resort
Attract trainee
Attract, entice
Attract, tempt
Badger trapper
Be Circe-like
Bewitching girl that wails loudly
Bishop first to admit sex is a temptation
Can of worms, maybe
Cause for pulling over
Cause to pull over
Certain wail
Charmer backing winner, I seethe somewhat
Cheese in a mousetrap
Chum, at sea
Chum, e.g.
Dangerous female responsible for some men's ire naturally
Dangerously fascinating woman
Dangle a carrot in front
Deb, short and shy — one may entice you
Designing woman
Device making a loud wailing sound
Device producing a loud wailing sound as a signal
Do wrong hugging mostly embarrassed temptress
Draw (a crowd, etc)
Draw a tense region
Draw close to elephant in the heart of uncharted territory
Draw cover for anti-racist leaflet
Draw dustcart, taking back bottles
Draw in
Draw in net at sea, getting chill
Draw ten sparkling diamonds
Duck that's not a duck
Emergency signal
Encouragement from Capital of Culture, backing second one-off
Entice politician to visit street regularly
Entice short-term worker with contract finally
Entice, attract
Exert a pull on
Exert some pull
Fake drake
Fascinating woman
Father Brown's ultimate temptress
Father gets new warning
Father has name for seductress
Father has new attractive female
Femme fatale
Femme fatale keeps heads of idiotic rich earls in tin
Fire alarm
Firehouse feature
Fisherman's bucketful
Fishing need
Flies and such
Flies, maybe
Fly, perhaps, one swallowed by nocturnal insectivore
Get moving to improve method of seduction
Grub, e.g.
Hook attachment
Hunter's lure
I must go in club that offers inducement
Invite agency worker to try, initially
Invite European MP in time after time
Invite right-winger to abandon disdain
It may precede a storm
It's a bit fishy, but anglers buy it
It's distracting
It's heard on "Cops"
It's not to be believed
Kind of song
Lola, in "Damn Yankees"
Lorelei, e.g.
Lure agency worker to join top table
Lure company of fliers with hanky-panky
Lure with some succulent ices
Lure; deliberately taunt
Mythical bird-woman
One could go off father getting close to son!
One gets caught after taking it
One who made Ulysses fit
Online ad perhaps lacking nothing to be inviting
Patrol car wailer
Play the siren
Police car device
Police sting participant
Politician enters Vietnamese holiday draw
Portion including a carrot
Prepare, as a hook
Proffer bait
Provide temptation for one coming in to play cricket
Pull a motor backwards, three times round
Pull a vehicle back in races against time
Pull in
Reactionary occupant of No 10 in offensive sweet-talk
Reason to look in a rear-
Risk provoking (fate)
Roughly ten diamonds to draw
Seduce casual worker over time
Seductress making for passion not love in lad
See 13 Across
Set a trap with food
Setup for a switch
Signal to clear the road
Signal to pull over
Sitting duck?
Sleep ender, maybe
Spurious aircraft
Strange code close to body is a red herring
Street clearer
Switch's partner
Tempt a tyrannical leader with piece of land
Tempt to enter apprenticeship
Tempt with place to treat bad throat and chill
Tempting food I introduced to club
Temptress wrong to restrict touching
Theda Bara, e.g.
Traffic stopper
Try to persuade cheat out of lack of respect
Try to seduce
Undercover cop, maybe
Used teeth to eat a tempting morsel
Used teeth to swallow a tempting item
Wailing alarm
Warning - she's a femme fatale
Warning about vice grips
Warning about wrong packaging
Warning alarm
Warning device
Warning device - femme fatale
Warning horn
Warning signal
Warning wail
Warning! This woman is dangerous
Woman with a come-hither
Worms and such, to a fish
Worms in a can, e.g.
Worms, e.g.
Worms, for a fisherman
Worms, in fishing
Worms, to a fisherman
Wrigglers, to a fisherman

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