Fixed for all time - Crossword Clue

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Fixed for all time.

6 letter answer(s) to fixed for all time

  1. carve or cut a design or letters into; "engrave the pen with the owner's name"
  2. carve or cut into a block used for printing or print from such a block; "engrave a letter"
  3. cause to stand out or be clearly defined or visible; "a face etched with pain"; "the leafless branches etched against the sky"
  4. cut or impressed into a surface; "an incised design"; "engraved invitations"
  5. make an etching of; "He etched her image into the surface"
  6. selectively dissolve the surface of (a semiconductor or printed circuit) with a solvent, laser, or stream of electrons

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