Finds record sleeves Charlie missed once - Crossword Clue

Crossword Clue Last Updated: 23/01/2024

Below are possible answers for the crossword clue Finds record sleeves Charlie missed once.

9 letter answer(s) to finds record sleeves charlie missed once

  1. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of; "
  2. find unexpectedly; "the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb"; "she struck a goldmine"; "The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake"
  3. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; "I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have been promoted"
  4. identify as in botany or biology, for example
  5. Identify the presence or existence
  6. make a discovery, make a new finding; "Roentgen discovered X-rays"; "Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle"
  7. make a discovery; "She found that he had lied to her"; "The story is false, so far as I can discover"
  8. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret;
  9. see for the first time; make a discovery; "Who discovered the North Pole?"

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